Thursday, November 8, 2012

Being Human...

Last night’s conversation with a friend of mine gave me new revelations of life and mostly to be thankful for the life I have right before my eyes. We see people pass us by randomly on the street, on a bus ride, in our workplace and where ever possible but we don’t think of what story lies behind each one of these individuals. There is always a reason why people turn out the way they are and sometimes we may not understand it and we misunderstand it creating perceptions of our own that these individuals do not fit into our norms of ‘normalcy’. However we fail to realize that each individual human being handles situations differently and the outcomes of each experience and the manner in which it affects them is different. Just because we think differently doesn’t give us the right to judge a person by the way he/she handles a situation, merely because we too are human and we may come across such situations in our life and there is always a possibility that we might handle it the same way they did given our emotional strength and perceptions at that given time. After all “Every human heart beat is a universe of possibilities.”

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